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Section: New Results

Analysis and control of mosquitoe populations

Control Strategies for Sterile Insect Techniques

We proposed different models to serve as a basis for the design of control strategies relying on releases of sterile male mosquitoes (Aedes spp) and aiming at elimination of wild vector population. Different types of releases were considered (constant, periodic or impulsive) and sufficient conditions to reach elimination were provided in each case [152]We also estimated sufficient and minimal treatment times. A feedback approach was introduced, in which the impulse amplitude is chosen as a function of the actual wild population [152].

Optimal replacement strategies, application to Wolbachia

We modelled and designed optimal release control strategy with the help of a least square problem. In a nutshell, one wants to minimize the number of uninfected mosquitoes at a given time horizon, under relevant biological constraints. We derived properties of optimal controls and studied a limit problem providing useful asymptotic properties of optimal controls [8], [42].

Oscillatory regimes in population models

Understanding mosquitoes life cycle is of great interest presently because of the increasing impact of vector borne diseases. Observations yields evidence of oscillations in these populations independent of seasonality, still unexplained. We proposed [33] a simple mathematical model of egg hatching enhancement by larvae which produces such oscillations that conveys a possible explanation.

On the other hand, population oscillations may be induced by seasonal changes. We considered a biological population whose environment varies periodically in time, exhibiting two very different “seasons”, favorable and unfavorable. We addressed the following question: the system's period being fixed, under what conditions does there exist a critical duration above which the population cannot sustain and extincts, and below which the system converges to a unique periodic and positive solution? We obtained [153], [154] sufficient conditions for such a property to occur for monotone differential models with concave nonlinearities, and applied the obtained criterion to a two-dimensional model featuring juvenile and adult insect populations.

Feedback control principles for population replacement by Wolbachia

The issue of effective scheduling of the releases of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes is an interesting problem for Control theory. Having in mind the important uncertainties present in the dynamics of the two populations in interaction, we attempted to identify general ideas for building release strategies, which should apply to several models and situations [39]. These principles were exemplified by two interval observer-based feedback control laws whose stabilizing properties were demonstrated when applied to a model retrieved from [76].